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标题: free.fr 控制404页的办法 上一主题 | 下一主题

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#1  free.fr 控制404页的办法

You can customize any error pages, such as 404, (not found) or others, your visitors might encounter. They can be replaced with personalized text, or a redirection to another URL, either local or external. This is done by using an ErrorDocument command. Here are some examples :
ErrorDocument 404 /my404message.html
ErrorDocument 404 http://mylogin.free.fr
ErrorDocument 403 /accessrefused.html
This command must be in a .htaccess file. The file must be in the directory to which the error messages need to be redirected. This is usually the root directory of the website, although not necessarily.

官方说明:http://www.free.fr/assistance/en ... personnalisees.html

2009-6-29 09:02
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