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标题: 2007国家地理每日图片[更新完毕] 上一主题 | 下一主题

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#301  20071012

Attwater's Prairie Chickens, Texas, 2002
Photograph by Joel Sartore

Young Attwater's prairie-chickens bask under a heating lamp at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center. The center, located in Glen Rose, Texas, runs a captive-breeding program for these unique, endangered birds.

(Text adapted from and photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Down to a Handful," March 2002, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-12 17:43
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#302  20071013

Tracks Crossing Snowfield, Minnesota, 2000
Photograph by Richard Olsenius

Snowshoe tracks (left) and footprints diverge in the middle of a wintry central Minnesota field. Wrote Garrison Keillor of this region, on which he modeled his famous fictional Lake Wobegon: "The eastern approach ... is a four-mile [6.4-kilometer] strip of free enterprise in full riot. ... And then the cosmos peters out and you emerge from hell and come into paradise, rural Minnesota."

(Text adapted from and photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "In Search of Lake Wobegon," December 2000, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-13 23:23
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#303  20071014

Minke Whale Breaching, 2001
Photograph by Flip Nicklin

The minke whale's missile-sleek shape helps it speed through the water at up to 20 miles (32 kilometers) an hour. It also gives it a variety of common names, including little piked whale, pikehead, and sharp-headed finner.

(Text adapted from and photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Pursuing the Minke," April 2001, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-14 23:52
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#304  20071015

Jeweled Hands, London, England, 2000
Photograph by Jodi Cobb

Painted with henna and strewn with traditional gold jewelry, London-born Sonia Behl's hands reveal her Indian heritage. Demographers estimate that almost 30 percent of London's population will be ethnic minorities by 2010—the majority of whom will be born in the U.K.

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "London on a Roll," June 2000, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-16 16:46
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#305  20071016

Australian Sea Lion off Adelaide, 2000
Photograph by David Doubilet

An Australian sea lion mugs for the camera off Adelaide, Australia. These highly endangered sea mammals

have been hurt by decades of overhunting.

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Great White: Deep Trouble," April 2000, National

Geographic magazine)

2007-10-17 23:00
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#306  20071017

Palm Trees with Starry Sky, New Zealand, 2004
Photograph by Peter Essick

Palm trees cast lacy contours against a star-speckled sky in Coromandel Forest Park, New Zealand.

Sprawled across 180,387 acres (73,000 hectares) in northeastern New Zealand, Coromandel Forest Park is

home to stunning vistas: luxuriant forests, velvety fields, gnarled volcanoes, and rushing rivers.

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "The Case of the Missing Carbon," February 2004,

National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-17 23:03
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#307  20071018

Goby and Bubble Coral, Indonesia, 2005
Photograph by Tim Laman

A goby fish with brilliant orange streaks stands out on a bit of gray bubble coral in Maumere Bay off Indonesia's Flores Island. In most of the ocean, turbid or murky waters force creatures to use nonvisual means of communication—smell, taste, touch, and sound. But in the clear, sunlit waters of coral reefs, light abounds, vision predominates, and animals drape themselves in blazing color.

(Text adapted from and photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish," May 2005, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-22 22:02
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#308  20071019

Miradouro da Senhora do Monte, Lisbon, Portugal, 2001
Photograph by Tino Soriano

The Lady of the Hill stands in her illuminated belvedere as the sun descends on Lisbon, Portugal, below. This vantage, called Miradouro da Nossa Senhora do Monte, is the highest of the seven peaks that nestle Lisbon. Built by seafarers where the Tagus River empties into the Atlantic Ocean, Lisbon was once Europe's wealthiest capital and the center of world exploration.

(Text adapted from and photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "The Soul of Lisbon," January/February 2002, National Geographic Traveler magazine)

2007-10-22 22:05
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#309  20071020

Shorn Sheep, Hopland, California, 1990
Photograph by George F. Mobley

A handful of recently shorn sheep grazes on a hill at the Hopland Research and Extension Center. The center, one of the University of California's principal field research facilities for agriculture and natural resources, maintains a sheep flock of 600 to 1,000 breeding ewes. Shearing time comes every April.

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Learning to Live With Mountain Lions," July 1992, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-22 22:06
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#310  20071021

Children at Play, Yerevan, Armenia, 2003
Photograph by Alexandra Avakian

Young girls in Yerevan, Armenia, play in the mist created by the city's Republic Square fountain. This grandiose water feature is an apt fixture in a city whose landscape is dominated by the ghostly Mount Ararat, thought to be the resting place of Noah's Ark.

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "The Rebirth of Armenia," March 2004, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-22 22:07
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#311  20071022

Giant Quiver Trees, South Africa, 1995
Photograph by Chris Johns

Giant quiver trees rise from a rocky hill on the boundary of South Africa's Richtersveld National Park. These towering aloe plants, which can reach 33 feet (10 meters) in height, have suffered from heavy overharvesting and habitat loss and are considered critically endangered, with only a handful of specimens remaining.

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "A Place for Parks in the New South Africa," July 1996, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-22 22:09
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#312  20071023

Caterpillar on Fern, Hawaii, 2003
Photograph by Darlyne A. Murawski

A carnivorous Eupithecia caterpillar prowls a fern leaf in Oahu, Hawaii, in search of prey. Such predatory caterpillars are rare and possess extraordinary adaptations, such as armor shields, seductive smells, or artful camouflage, to enhance their lethality.

(Text adapted from an photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Killer Caterpillars: Built to Eat Flesh," June 2003, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-23 17:22
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#313  20071024

Llama in Pickup Truck, Chile, 2003
Photograph by Joel Sartore

A nervous llama lies in the back of a pickup truck amid the moonscape of Chile's Atacama Desert. Atacama's barren high plateaus are home to the Aymara people, who raise llamas for their meat and wool.

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "The Driest Place on Earth," August 2003, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-24 17:40
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#314  20071025

Silhouette of Westminster Abbey, London, England, 2000
Photograph by Jodi Cobb

The spires of Westminster Abbey cut dramatic shapes into a blushing twilight sky. The famous London church began as a Benedictine monastery enlarged by King Edward in the 1040s. It was designated the "west minster" to distinguish it from St. Paul's Cathedral, the "east minster." For centuries, Westminster Abbey has hosted royal coronations and burials.

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "London on a Roll," June 2000, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-25 17:39
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#315  20071026

Yawning Tiger, India, 1997
Photograph by Michael Nichols

Tigers, like this female in India's Bandhavgarh National Park, spend hot days in a languorous laze, storing energy for nights of hunting. Over the last hundred years, hunting and forest destruction have reduced tiger populations from hundreds of thousands of animals to perhaps fewer than 2,500. Today Bandhavgarh claims to maintain the highest density of tigers in the country.

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Making Room for Tigers," December 1997, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-26 17:38
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#316  20071027

Bats in Cueva de Villa Luz, Mexico, 2001
Photograph by Stephen Alvarez

Bats emerge from the inky depths of Cueva de Villa Luz in southern Mexico. Hydrogen sulfide, which is poisonous to humans, permeates the cave's walls, streams, and air, sustaining a rich variety of bizarre organisms. In addition to bats, spiders, mites, amblypygids, and small, hemoglobin-rich fish thrive in the sulfur-saturated environment.

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Deadly Haven," May 2001, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-27 18:28
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#317  20071028

Celtic Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2003
Photograph by Jim Richardson

Red-painted, torch-wielding revelers parade and dance in Edinburgh, Scotland, during the raucous Beltane festival, an ancient Celtic rite that heralds the May 1 start of summer. The popularity of this festival is part of an ongoing push by modern Celts to uncover the lost cultures of their ancestors—music, sacred sites, languages, and art styles that date back more than 2,000 years, when Celtic tribes dominated most of Europe.

(Text adapted from and photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Celt Appeal," March 2006, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-28 18:13
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#318  20071029

Aerial View of African Elephants, Kenya, 1999
Photograph by George Steinmetz

A herd of elephants makes its way through swamp grass in Kenya's Amboseli National Park. Established as a national park in 1974, the 151-square-mile (392-square-kilometer) park at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in southwest Kenya is home to more than 450 animal species, including elephants, wildebeests, cranes, and egrets.

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Riding the Wind: Photographing the Sahara from Aloft," March 1999, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-29 22:07
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#319  20071030

Slug Caterpillar, Manu River, Peru, 2001
Photograph by George Grall

Brushlike suckers radiate from the body of a slug caterpillar resting on a leaf near Peru's Manu River. The stinging hairs, or suckers, of these brightly colored, fleshy caterpillars contain mildly venomous toxins used for defense purposes. However, simply touching a slug caterpillar triggers toxin transfer, which causes rashes, swelling, and in some cases, fever and nausea.

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "The Fragile World of Frogs," May 2001, National Geographic magazine)

2007-10-30 22:44
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#320  20071031

Girl with Pumpkin, Louisiana, 2004
Photograph by Ken Kochey

In New Orleans, a young girl in a Halloween dress struggles to lift a large pumpkin. The tradition of carving pumpkins during Halloween began in the United Kingdom, where for centuries people cut scary faces into potatoes, turnips, and even large beets to dissuade evil spirits from entering their homes. Early European immigrants to America made these so-called jack-o'-lanterns from pumpkins, which are indigenous to North America and make an ideal canvas for such carved art.

2007-10-31 16:58
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